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Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us regarding any questions you may have and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are a 100% volunteer-led organization committed to helping you and your struggling reader.

Please include as much helpful information as possible in your message. Here are some common questions to think about:

What are you seeing that makes you concerned? Slow reading? Can't sound out words? Guessing at words? Writing? Rhyming? Difficulty learning the alphabet?


Is there a history of dyslexia or reading difficulties in the immediate family? Have they struggled with speech issues or delays? Any other health or learning issues?

Are they enrolled at a public or private school or homeschooled? What grade are they in? What has the school response been to your concerns?

Here is a link to some common signs of dyslexia that you might be seeing.

Thank you for submitting. Our organization is 100% volunteer-powered. We will be in touch!

Executive Committee Members:

Anna Clausen, President 

Teresa Franks, Vice President 

Glen Flint, Treasurer
Vicki Duin, Secretary

Kathy Johnson, Past President

Nancy Coffey, Past Vice President 

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